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2023 Monitoring Survey Plan for Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

In FY2023, we plan to conduct 1,247 surveys for 48 product types.

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 1 18 Unpolished rice
Vegetables 1 6 Chinese yam
Fruits 2 20 Apple, Grape
Forestry products 9 820 Log-grown shiitake, wild mushrooms
(Varies depending on collection conditions)
Fishery products 35 383 Cod, Japanese scallop, Brackish water clam, etc.
(Varies depending on collection conditions)
Total 48 1,247  

 Note: For fishery products, a survey will be conducted in cooperation with the national government (Fisheries Agency) and the results of the survey will be announced at the link below.
 Aomori Prefecture Fisheries Promotion Division, "Results of Survey on Radioactive Substances in Fishery Products"

2022 Results of Monitoring Survey on Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

 In FY2022, we inspected 765 items of 42 products.
 Of these, we detected radioactive cesium in 73 cases for 14 products, all of which were well below the standard value (100 becquerel/kg) based on the Food Sanitation Law.

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 1 21 Unpolished rice
Vegetables 1 6 Chinese yam
Fruits 2 23 Apple, Grape
Forestry products 23 353 Log-grown shiitake, wild mushrooms
[Detection] 72 cases in 13 items (all below the standard value) (Detection breakdown: Log-grown shiitake: 2 cases, Lung oyster mushroom: 4 case, Honey mushroom: 10 cases, Bunaharitake mushroom: 21 cases, Bunanoshirayukitake mushroom:1case, Kurogenaratake mushroom: 1 cases, Nameko mushroom: 4 cases, Laetiporus sulphureus var. miniatus: 1 case, Mukitake mushroom: 14 cases, Kuritake mushroom: 10 cases, Comb Tooth Mushroom: 2 case, Honsimeji mushroom 1 case, Brown beech mushroom: 1 case)
Fishery products 15 362 Cod, Japanese scallop, Brackish water clam, etc.
[Detected] 1 cases of 1 item (all below the standard value)
(Breakdown of detection: Pacific cod: 1 cases)
Total 42 765 [Detection] 73 cases for 14 items (all below standard values)
Note: For fishery products, the results of the survey conducted in cooperation with the national government (Fisheries Agency) are listed.

 For the results of the survey on marine products conducted in cooperation with the national government (Fisheries Agency), please refer to the link to the page in the response to Q1 of the "Frequently Asked Questions".

2021 Results of Monitoring Survey on Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

 In FY2021, we inspected 693 items of 42 products.
 Of these, we detected radioactive cesium in 71 cases for 17 products, all of which were well below the standard value (100 becquerel/kg) based on the Food Sanitation Law.

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 1 21 Unpolished rice
Vegetables 1 6 Chinese yam
Fruits 2 23 Apple, Grape
Forestry products 23 345 Log-grown shiitake, wild mushrooms
[Detection] 68 cases in 16 items (all below the standard value) (Detection breakdown: Log-grown shiitake: 2 cases, Kurogenaratake mushroom: 9 cases, Lyophyllum decastes: 2 cases, Bunaharitake mushroom: 11 cases, Armillaria sp.: 1 cas, Nameko mushroom: 4 cases, Brown beech mushroom: 1 case, Armillaria nabsnona Volk et Burdsall: 2 cases, Armillaria gallica Marxm. et Romagn.: 4 cases, Kuritake mushroom: 14 cases, Hypholoma capnoides: 6 cases, Mukitake mushroom: 8 cases, Lung oyster mushroom: 1 case, Comb Tooth Mushroom: 1 case, Cauliflower fungus: 1 case, Flammulina veluptipes: 1 case)
Fishery products 15 298 Cod, Japanese scallop, Brackish water clam, etc.
[Detected] 3 cases of 1 item (all below the standard value)
(Breakdown of detection: Pacific cod: 3 cases)
Total 42 693 [Detection] 71 cases for 17 items (all below standard values)
Note: For fishery products, the results of the survey conducted in cooperation with the national government (Fisheries Agency) are listed.

 For the results of the survey on marine products conducted in cooperation with the national government (Fisheries Agency), please refer to the link to the page in the response to Q1 of the "Frequently Asked Questions".

2020 Results of Monitoring Survey on Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

 In FY 2020, 643 samples of 53 articles were inspected.
 Of these, radioactive cesium was detected in 79 samples of 14 articles, all of which were well below the standard value (100 Bq/kg) based on the Food Sanitation Law.

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 1 21 Unpolished rice
Vegetables 1 6 Chinese yam
Fruits 2 23 Apple, Grape
Forestry products 22 363 Log-grown shiitake, Wild mushrooms
[Detection] 11 articles 73 samples(all below standard) (Detail: Log-grown shiitake/2 samples, Bunaharitake mushroom/18 samples, Honey mushroom/10 samples, Nameko mushroom 3 samples, Mukitake mushroom 6 samples, Kuritake mushroom 24 samples, Hypholoma capnoides 4 samples, Boletopsis leucomelaena 1 sample, Lyophyllum decastes 1 samplesuillus bovinus 3 samples, Armillaria ostoyae 1 sample)
Fishery products 27 230 Cod, Japanese scallop, Brackish water clam, etc.
【[Detection]3 articles 6 samples(all below standard)
(Detail: Pacific cod 4 samples, Flounder 1 sampleskate 1 sample)
Total 53 643 [Detection]14 articles 79 samples (all below standard)
Note: For Fishery products, the results of the survey conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency are listed.

 The survey on Fishery products is conducted in cooperation with the government. For the results of the survey, please refer to the page on the answers to Q1 of "Frequently Asked Questions".

2019 Results of Monitoring Survey on Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

 In FY 2019, 701 samples of 56 articles were inspected.
 Of these, radioactive cesium was detected in 91 samples of 11 articles, all of which were well below the standard value (100 Bq/kg) based on the Food Sanitation Law.

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 1 21 Unpolished rice
Vegetables 1 6 Chinese yam
Fruits 2 23 Apple, Grape
Forestry products 20 302 Log-grown shiitake, Wild mushrooms
[Detection]10 articles 86 samples(all below standard)
(Detail: Log-grown shiitake 2 samples, Lung oyster mushroom 4 samples, Bunaharitake mushroom 13 samples, Honey mushroom 23 samples, Nameko mushroom 6 samples, Lyophyllum decastes 2 samples, Mukitake mushroom 23 samples, Kuritake mushroom 11 samples, Laetiporus sulphureus var. miniatus 1 sample, Hypholoma capnoides 1 sample)
Fishery products 32 349 Cod, Japanese scallop, Brackish water clam, etc.
[Detection]1 article 5 samples(all below standard)
(Detail: Pacific cod 5 samples)
Total 56 701 [Detection]11 articles 91 samples (all below standard)
Note: For Fishery products, the results of the survey conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency are listed.

 The survey on Fishery products is conducted in cooperation with the government. For the results of the survey, please refer to the page on the answers to Q1 of "Frequently Asked Questions".

<Other Surveys>
 We conducted a blanket testing for beef.
 As a result of the inspection of 17,276 cattle, no radioactive cesium was detected.
 (The test results can be searched and viewed on this website.)

2018 Results of Monitoring Survey on Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

 In FY 2018, 773 samples of 33 articles were inspected.
 Of these, radioactive cesium was detected in 99 samples of 10 articles, all of which were well below the standard value (100 Bq/kg) based on the Food Sanitation Law.

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 1 21 Unpolished rice
Vegetables 1 6 Chinese yam
Fruits 2 23 Apple, Grape
Forestry products
(Note 1)
11 394 Log-grown shiitake, Wild mushrooms, Mountain vegetables, etc.
[Detection]8 articles 91 samples(all below standard)
(Detail: Log-grown shiitake 2 samples, Lyophyllum decastes 5 samples, Bunaharitake mushroom 12 samples, Honey mushroom 19 samples, Nameko mushroom 9 samples, Mukitake mushroom 18 samples, Kuritake mushroom 25 samples, Hypholoma capnoides 1 sample)
Fishery products
(Note 2)
18 329 Squid, Japanese scallop, Cod, Flounder, etc.
Conducted by
(2) 13 [Detection] None
Conducted by
Fisheries Agency
(18) 316 [Detection]2 articles 8 samples(all below standard)
(Detail: Pacific cod 7 samples, Lake smelt 1 sample)
Total 33 773 [Detection]10 articles 99 samples (all below standard)
Note 1)The measurement result of wild mushrooms is uniformly described as"no detection (<5.0)" if the detection value is smaller than 5 Bq/kg, even if it is above the lower detection limit.
Note 2)The number of samples for Fishery products includes the number of inspections conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency. The subtotal number of articles excludes the articles duplicated by the prefecture and the Fisheries Agency.

 The survey on Fishery products is conducted in cooperation with the government. For the results of the survey, please refer to the page on the answers to Q1 of "Frequently Asked Questions".

<Other Surveys>
 We conducted a blanket testing for beef.
 As a result of the inspection of 18,171 cattle, no radioactive cesium was detected.
 (The test results can be searched and viewed on this website.)

2017 Results of Monitoring Survey on Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

 In FY 2017, 909 samples of 38 articles were inspected.
 Of these, radioactive cesium was detected in 118 samples of 8 articles, all of which were well below the standard value (100 Bq/kg) based on the Food Sanitation Law.

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 1 21 Unpolished rice
Vegetables 1 6 Chinese yam
Fruits 2 23 Apple, Grape
Forestry products
(Note 1)
14 445 Log-grown shiitake, Wild mushrooms, Mountain vegetables, etc.
[Detection]7 articles 105 samples (all below standard)
(Detail: Log-grown shiitake 3 samples, Honey mushroom 16 samples, Bunaharitake mushroom 20 samples, Nameko mushroom 13 samples, Kuritake mushroom 34 samples, Mukitake mushroom 18 samples, Lung oyster mushroom 1 sample)
Fishery products
(Note 2)
20 414 Squid, Japanese scallop, Cod, Flounder, etc.
Conducted by
(2) 12 [Detection] None
Conducted by
Fisheries Agency
(20) 402 [Detection] 1 article 13 samples(Pacific cod, all below standard)
Total 38 909 [Detection] 8 articles 118 samples (all below standard)
Note 1)The measurement result of wild mushrooms is uniformly described as "no detection (<5.0)" if the detection value is smaller than 5 Bq/kg, even if it is above the lower detection limit
Note 2)The number of samples for Fishery products includes the number of inspections conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency. The subtotal number of articles excludes the articles duplicated by the prefecture and the Fisheries Agency.

<Other Surveys>
 We conducted a blanket testing for beef.
 As a result of the inspection of 17,790 cattle, no radioactive cesium was detected.
 (The test results can be searched and viewed on this website.)

・Processed Foods
 We inspected processed foods manufactured and distributed in the prefecture.
 As a result of 48 inspections, no radioactive cesium was detected.

<Location of the survey results>
 For the results of the survey on fishery products and processed foods conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency, please refer to the link to the page in the answer to Q1 of "Frequently Asked Questions".

2016 Results of Monitoring Survey on Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

 In FY 2016, 1,312 samples of 78 articles were inspected.
 Of these, radioactive cesium was detected in 137 samples of 11 articles, all of which were well below the standard value (100 Bq/kg) based on the Food Sanitation Law.

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 4 68 Unpolished rice, Wheat, Buckwheat, Soybean
Vegetables 20 67 Chinese yam, Garlic, Burdock, Tomato, Japanese radish etc.
Fruits 11 56 Apple, Peach, Grape etc.
Livestock products 3 32 Raw milk, Eggs, Pasture
[Detection]1 article 1 sample(Pasture, below standard)
Forestry products
(Note 1)
17 415 Log-grown shiitake, Wild mushrooms, Mountain vegetables, etc.
[Detection]8 articles 102 samples(all below standard)
(Detail: Log-grown shiitake 1 sample, Honey mushroom 34 sample, Bunaharitake mushroom 14s ample, Suillus grevillea 1 sample, Nameko mushroom 10 samples, Kuritake mushroom 28 samples, Mukitake mushroom 12 samples, Hypholoma capnoides 2 samples)
Fishery products
(Note 2)
23 674 Squid, Japanese scallop, Cod, Flounder, etc.
Conducted by
(5) 15 [Detection] None
Conducted by
Fisheries Agency
(22) 659 [Detection] 2 articles 34 samples (all below standard)
(Detail: Pacific cod 33 articles, Salmon 1 sample)
Total 78 1,312 [Detection]11articles 137 samples (all below standard)
Note 1)The measurement result of wild mushrooms is uniformly described as "no detection (<5.0)" if the detection value is smaller than 5 Bq/kg, even if it is above the lower detection limit
Note 2)The number of samples for Fishery products includes the number of inspections conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency. The subtotal number of articles excludes the articles duplicated by the prefecture and the Fisheries Agency.

<Other Surveys>
 We conducted a blanket testing for beef.
 As a result of the inspection of 18,471 cattle, no radioactive cesium was detected.
  (The test results can be searched and viewed on this website.)

・Foods in market
 We inspected Foods in Market in the prefecture.
 A total of 60 samples of processed foods produced in the prefecture and agricultural, forestry, and fishery products from outside the prefecture were inspected, and as a result, no radioactive cesium was detected.

<Location of the survey results>
 For the results of the survey on fishery products and foods in market conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency, please refer to the link to the page in the answer to Q1 of "Frequently Asked Questions".

2015 Results of Monitoring Survey on Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

 In FY 2015, 1,296 samples of 97 articles were inspected.
 Of these, radioactive cesium was detected in 116 samples of 10 articles, all of which were well below the standard value (100 Bq/kg) based on the Food Sanitation Law.

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 5 74 Unpolished rice, Wheat, Buckwheat, Soybean, Adlay
Vegetables 23 100 Chinese yam, Garlic, Burdock, Tomato, Japanese radish, etc.
Fruits 11 56 Apple, Peach, Grape, etc.
Livestock products 4 33 Eggs, Raw milk, Pasture, Corn for silage
[Detection]1 article1 sample(Pasture, below standard)
Forestry products
(Note 1)
19 298 Log-grown shiitake, Mushroom bed-grown shiitake, Mountain vegetables, etc.
[Detection]6 articles 53 samples (all below standard)
(Detail: Honey mushroom 10 samples, Bunaharitake mushroom 5 samples, Nameko mushroom 4 samples, Kuritake mushroom 28 samples, Mukitake mushroom 5 samples, Pholiota aurivella 1 sample)
Fishery products
(Note 2)
35 735 Squid, Japanese scallop, Cod, Mackerel, Flounder, etc.
Conducted by
(8) 19 [Detection] None
Conducted by
Fisheries Agency
(32) 716 [Detection]3 articles 62 samples (all below standard)
(Detail: Pacific cod 60 samples, Flounder 1 sample, Adult yellowtail 1 sample)
Total 97 1,296 [Detection]10 article 116 sample (all below standard)
Note 1)The measurement result of wild mushrooms is uniformly described as "no detection (<5.0)" if the detection value is smaller than 5 Bq/kg, even if it is above the lower detection limit
Note 2)The number of samples for Fishery products includes the number of inspections conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency. The subtotal number of articles excludes the articles duplicated by the prefecture and the Fisheries Agency.

<Other Surveys>
 We conducted a blanket testing for beef.
 As a result of the inspection of 17,594 cattle, no radioactive cesium was detected.
 (The test results can be searched and viewed on this website.)

・Foods in market
 We inspected Foods in Market in the prefecture.
 A total of 60 samples of processed foods produced in the prefecture and agricultural, forestry, and fishery products from outside the prefecture were inspected, and as a result, no radioactive cesium was detected.

<Location of the survey results>
 For the results of the survey on fishery products and foods in market conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency, please refer to the link to the page in the answer to Q1 of "Frequently Asked Questions".

2014 Results of Monitoring Survey on Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

 In FY 2014, 1,446 samples of 102 articles were inspected.
 Of these, radioactive cesium was detected in 189 samples of 8 articles, all of which were well below the standard value (100 Bq/kg) based on the Food Sanitation Law.
 Pacific cod accounted for 130 samples, about 70% of the total number of detected samples.

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 5 78 Unpolished rice, Wheat, Buckwheat, Soybean, Adlay
Vegetables 29 131 Chinese yam, Garlic, Burdock, Tomato, Japanese radish, etc.
Fruits 11 57 Apple, Peach, Japanese pear, Grape, etc.
Livestock products 5 53 Eggs, Raw milk, Pasture, etc.
[Detection]1 article 1 sample(Pasture, below standard)
Forestry products
(Note 1)
12 204 Log-grown shiitake, Mushroom bed-grown shiitake, Mountain vegetables, etc.
[Detection] 3 articles 44 samples (all below standard)
(Detail: Log-grown shiitake 2 samples, Sakura shimeji mushroom 1 sample, Honey mushroom 41 samples)
Fishery products
(Note 2)
40 923 Squid, Japanese scallop, Cod, Mackerel, Flounder, etc.
Conducted by
(7) 25 [Detection] None
Conducted by
Fisheries Agency
(38) 898 [Detection]4 articles 144 samples (all below standard)
(Detail: Pacific cod 130 samples, Flounder 10 samples, Adult yellowtail 1 sample, Pollack 3 samples)
Total 102 1,446 [Detection] 8 articles 189 samples (all below standard)
Note 1)The measurement result of wild mushrooms is uniformly described as "no detection (<5.0)" if the detection value is smaller than 5 Bq/kg, even if it is above the lower detection limit
Note 2)The number of samples for Fishery products includes the number of inspections conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency. The subtotal number of articles excludes the articles duplicated by the prefecture and the Fisheries Agency.

<Other Surveys>
 We conducted a blanket testing for beef.
 As a result of the inspection of 17,388 cattle, no radioactive cesium was detected.
  (The test results can be searched and viewed on this website.)

・Foods in market
 We inspected Foods in Market in the prefecture.
 A total of 110 processed foods and agricultural, forestry, and marine products produced in and outside of the prefecture were inspected. As a result, radioactive cesium was detected in 3 wild mushrooms produced in the prefecture, but all of them were well below the standard values.
 (The results of the tests of 50 agricultural, forestry, and marine products produced in the prefecture are also posted on this website.)

<Location of the survey results>
 For the results of the survey on fishery products and foods in market conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency, please refer to the link to the page in the answer to Q1 of "Frequently Asked Questions".

2013 Results of Monitoring Survey on Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

 In FY 2013, 1,797 samples of 120 articles were inspected.
 Of these, radioactive cesium was detected in 283 samples of 10 articles, all of which were well below the standard value (100 Bq/kg) based on the Food Sanitation Law.
 Pacific cod accounted for 220 samples, about 80% of the total number of detected samples.

  (In addition to this monitoring survey, the Health and Sanitation Department of the prefectural government has detected cesium in wild mushrooms that exceeded the standard values in the Foods in Market inspection. Please refer to "Other Surveys" below.)

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 5 78 Unpolished rice, Wheat, Buckwheat, Soybean, Adlay
Vegetables 32 170 Chinese yam, Garlic, Burdock, Tomato, Japanese radish, etc.
Fruits 11 132 Apple, Peach, Japanese pear, Grape, etc.
Livestock products 6 129 Raw milk, Eggs, Pasture, etc.
[Detection]1 article 3 samples(Pasture, below standard)
Forestry products 12 140 Log-grown shiitake, Mushroom bed-grown shiitake, Mountain vegetables, etc.
[Detection] 2 articles 33 samples (all below standard)
(Detail: Sakura shimeji mushroom 1 sample, Honey mushroom 32 samples)
Fishery products 54 1,148 Diadromous, Coastal, Freshwater fishes
Conducted by
(14) 94 [Detection] None
Conducted by
Fisheries Agency
(45) 1,054 [Detection] 7 articles 247 samples (all below standard)
(Detail: Pacific cod 220 samples, Flounder 13 samples, Pollack 8 samples, etc.)
Total 120 1,797 [Detection] 10 articles 283 samples (all below standard)
Note)The number of samples for Fishery products includes the number of inspections conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency. The subtotal number of articles excludes the articles duplicated by the prefecture and the Fisheries Agency.

<Other Surveys>
 We conducted a blanket testing for beef.
 As a result of the inspection of 19,934 cattle, no radioactive cesium was detected.
  (The test results can be searched and viewed on this website.)

・Foods in market
 We inspected Foods in market in the prefecture.
 As a result of inspections of a total of 262 processed foods, agricultural, forestry, and marine products, and wild game meat produced in and outside of the prefecture, radioactive cesium exceeding the standard value was detected in one sample of wild mushrooms produced in the prefecture (Sakura shimeji mushroom 150 Bq/kg).
 In addition, radioactive cesium was detected in three other wild mushrooms produced in the prefecture, but the levels were below the standard values.
 (The test results of 51 agricultural and fishery products produced in the prefecture are also posted on this website.)

<Location of the survey results>
 For the results of the survey on fishery products and foods in market conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency, please refer to the link to the page in the answer to Q1 of "Frequently Asked Questions".

2012 Results of Monitoring Survey on Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

 In FY 2012, 1,855 samples of 128 articles were inspected.
 Of these, radioactive cesium was detected in 347 samples of 20 articles,only one sample, Pacific cod, exceeded the standard value in the Food Sanitation Law (100 Bq/kg for general foods), with 116 Bq/kg.
 Pacific cod accounted for 280 samples, about 80% of the total number of detected samples.

 In addition, in an Iwate Prefecture inspection,cesium exceeding the standard value was detected in one sample in Pacific cod fillets landed at a fishing port in the prefecture and shipped to Iwate Prefecture. As a result, the Director General of the Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters (Prime Minister) instructed a request to restrict shipments of Pacific cod of the prefecture. However, subsequent inspections showed that the cesium levels were below the standard values, and the request was lifted as of October 31, 2012.

 (In addition to this monitoring survey, the Health and Sanitation Department of the prefectural government has detected cesium in wild mushrooms that exceeded the standard values in the Foods in Market inspection. Please refer to "Other Surveys" below.)

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 6 93 Unpolished rice, Wheat, Buckwheat, Soybean, etc.
Vegetables 32 198 Chinese yam, Garlic, Burdock, Tomato, Japanese radish, etc.
[Detection] 1 article 1 sample(Carrot, below standard)
Fruits 11 137 Apple, Peach, Japanese pear, Grape, etc.
Livestock products 5 128 Raw milk, Eggs, Pasture, etc.
[Detection] 1 article 2 samples(Pasture, below standard)
Forestry products 9 54 Log-grown shiitake, Mushroom bed-grown shiitake, Mountain vegetables, etc.
[Detection] 1 article 1 sample(Log-grown shiitake, below standard)
Fishery products 65 1,245 Diadromous, Coastal, Freshwater fishes
Conducted by
(41) 302 [Detection]2 articles 53 samples (all below standard)
(Detail: Pacific cod 52 samples, Oncorhynchus nerka 1 sample)
Conducted by
Fisheries Agency
(49) 943 [Detection] 16 articles 290 samples
 ・116 Bq/kg detected in 1 sample of Pacific cod,
 ・All others are below standard.
(Detail: Pacific cod 228 samples, Flounder 18 samples, Pollack 8 samples, Spiny dogfish 7 samples, etc.)
Total 128 1,855 [Detection] 20 articles 347samples(Exceeded standard: 1 article 1 sample)
Note )The number of samples for Fishery products includes the number of inspections conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency.
The subtotal number of articles excludes the articles duplicated by the prefecture and the Fisheries Agency.

<Other Surveys>
 We conducted a blanket testing for beef.
 As a result of the inspection of 22,262 cattle, radioactive cesium was detected in one sample, but it was well below the standard value.
 (The test results can be searched and viewed on this website.)

・Foods in market
 We inspected Foods in Market in the prefecture.
 A total of 199 processed foods and agricultural, forestry and marine products produced in and outside of the prefecture were inspected, and radioactive cesium exceeding the standard value was detected in three wild mushrooms.
 (Chichitake mushroom 120 Bq/kg, Hokitake mushroom 116 Bq/kg, and Sakura shimeji mushroom 107 Bq/kg).
  Radioactive cesium was also detected in one processed food from outside the prefecture, eight wild mushrooms from the prefecture, and two fishery products, but the levels were below the standard values.
 (The results of 90 agricultural and fishery products from the prefecture are also posted on this website.)

<Location of the survey results>
 For the results of the survey on fishery products and foods in market conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency, please refer to the link to the page in the answer to Q1 of "Frequently Asked Questions".

2011 Results of Monitoring Survey on Radioactive Substances in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Products Produced in the Prefecture

 In 2011, we started the survey on July 26, 2011, and by March 2012, we had surveyed 1,009 samples of 80 articles, and as a result, radioactive cesium exceeding the provisional regulation values was not detected in any of them.

Classification Number of articles Number of samples Major articles
Grains 6 142 Unpolished rice, Wheat, Soybean, Buckwheat, etc.
Vegetables 24 205 Chinese yam, Garlic, Burdock, etc.
Fruits 6 255 Apple, Peach, Japanese pear, Grape etc.
Livestock products 3 55 Raw milk, Egg, Feed corn, etc.
Forestry products 1 7 Log-grown shiitake
Fishery products 40 345 Diadromous, Coastal, Freshwater fishes
Conducted by
(25) 150  
Conducted by
Fisheries Agency
(23) 195 [Detection] 12 articles 84 samples(all below standard)
(Detail: Pacific cod 26 samples, Southern mackerel 14 samples, Pollack 13 samples, Flounder 11 samples, etc.)
Total 80 1,009 [Detection] 12 articles 84 samples(all below standard)
Note )The number of samples for Fishery products includes the number of inspections conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency.
The subtotal number of articles excludes the articles duplicated by the prefecture and the Fisheries Agency.

<Other Surveys>
 As a result of the inspection of 9,601 cattle, no radioactive cesium was detected.
  (The test results can be searched and viewed on this website.)

・Foods in market
 We inspected Foods in market in the prefecture.
 A total of 74 processed foods and agricultural, forestry and fishery products produced in and outside of the prefecture were inspected. As a result, a small amount of radioactive cesium was detected in some wild mushrooms, but it was much lower than the provisional regulation value.

 For the results of the survey conducted in cooperation with the Fisheries Agency and the results of the Foods in market survey, please refer to the page on the answer to Q1 of "Frequently Asked Questions".